July 21, 2009

A New Beginning

Hello Rough Draft Fans, Friends, and Family.

Rough Draft would like to thank you for being so supportive of our ministry. We have worked hard at connecting people to the Word of God and following the call he placed on our hearts for the last six years. Rough Draft has seen the Holy Spirit do amazing things through the music and relationships we have built.

Many of you may know the story of Paul and Barnabas in the Book of Acts. They were two men of God who were called to spread the Gospel. They traveled together and brought many people to Christ. In Acts chapter fifteen, they both felt called to go their separate ways. They had done great things together but God called them to go in different directions. And, they did even greater things for the Kingdom through their parting.

The Rough Draft members, Like Paul and Barnabas are in a similar situation. We have been humbled to see God’s blessings along our journey as a band, and we are so glad that we have been able to see the fruits of this ministry grow. We have heard countless stories of people being touched by the words that were spoken or a song that was played and we are all extremely honored to know that God was willing to use a bunch of goof balls like us to do His work. Even though it’s time for the Rough Draft members to go our separate ways we pray that, just like Paul and Barnabas, even greater things will be done to further the Kingdom of God through the Father’s plan for each of us.

At the end of July one path is ending but four new ones begin. Andrew feels God has called him to continue the ministry by pursuing a solo career and will continue under the name Andrew Witt. Pedro also plans to continue in this ministry using his percussion skills and infectious smile as drummer. Adam and Dave will seek God’s plan for their lives and we pray that God continues to use them in mighty ways.

This is really not the end but a new beginning and we are very excited to see what God has planned for all of us. In the very near future you will begin to see the transition from Rough Draft to Andrew Witt. You will notice some familiar songs and get to hear some new ones. We ask for your prayers and support of all members of Rough Draft. We would like to thank all members, past and present, which have made Rough Draft what it is today: Dave, Adam W., Pedro, Andrew, Drew, Brent, Ben and Adam G.

Proverbs 3:5-6 holds a special place in the hearts of the Rough Draft members and we want to leave you with this verse.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight."

Rough Draft - Andrew, Pedro, Dave and Adam


Anonymous said...

Andrew you're not as good as you think you are.

Anonymous said...

(person who left comment above mine)Wow so you can tell andrew he isn't as good as he thinks he is but your not good enough to leave your own name.Have some decency when someone is sharing their heart.God is bigger then you think and has a plan for all of us.

Anonymous said...

i agree with Baylee.If you dont have something nice to say dont say it at all.
What do you think you were going to get out of that comment?did you want andrew to say"your right anonymous person! i should stop doing what God has called me to do because you say so"?
We all dont now the whole story.Lets leave it at that.Just pray God is in this ministry and people will come to know Him and is kingdom.
Michael D.

Anonymous said...

I don't know...while it is not for me to know what God has called Andrew to do, something a little sketchy seems to be going on. People have obviously done worse things in the name of God though (like killing etc.)than breaking up a band. I trust that God has a plan, but I agree with the first "anonymous." I will not be continuing to support Andrew's music. I enjoyed them as a band, not a solo act. It also sucks that I have a T-shirt for a band that no longer exists.

-CO RD fan

Anonymous said...

Fluff fluff fluff fluff yada yada yada yada.
When will anyone in the Christian music camp ever learn to speak truth without all the cya fluff? No one wants the dirt but, please, spare us the "Shine Me On" routine.
Your fans have been pretty stellar, be up front with them.

Anonymous said...

i, i, i, i, i, i,is how many i's you used in your little soup box.poor you.so what you have a 10 dollar t-shirt of a band that is no longer.(happens everyday)sorry to tell you this, but get over your self.

This rough draft you know hasn't even been together very long.There was another old rough draft with drew and brent.When the old rough draft came out to Florida, God was present.it tore up a lot of people when the two of them left.But even then andrew has been in this longer then anyone one els.

All you can see is tonal vistion.nothing but your own outcome in life.You need to look at the bigger picture.Gods bigger picture.Take a step back-Anonymous Co RD fan.

-Baylee-RD fan from Florida

Anonymous said...

Yeah i feel like andrew isn't being honest. the fans have been good to you guys and i think we deserve a straigh story and not a fluffy one like we got. i've been a fan for a long time and it seemed like rough draft was about to hit big time. sucks to see another christian band break up to go the solo direction. their ministry was awesome, with the old guys too but the new (now old) guys really pumped it up a notch.

good thing baylee is around i guess so it's not just all negative i guess. even if you are getting a bit combative. we're all just speaking our mind here, not really debating. i agree with anon. co rd fan and the other anons.

Anonymous said...

Seriously! Sketchy? Strange word to use! What is sketchy about the situation, it sounds like some of you want Andrew to come out and say something bad happend or that all the other guys were jerks or they got in a fight and decided to quit.(RD is not reality TV) These guys don't owe us fans any explination other then what they have. It's sad to think that somebody would turn their back on Andrew just because he went solo? I have been watching RD for many years, almost since they started. There have been many good muscians in the band and they have all been great mentors to students and fans alike but Andrew does have a special spark that makes the band what it is, i'm sure his new project will bring glory to God. Funny how none of us really know the story yet people are attacking Andrew because he is the one going solo. Sounds like these people may be close to the situation, maybe friends to the people left behind? Lets support all the guys in RD as they transtion to new things in life. Andrew, I for one will be contacting you to lead worship.

Matt C Youth Worker - Parker

Anonymous said...

When you throw people under the bus you should probably let the passengers know. "Oh, um, er, everybody stay in their seats, um, it was just some potholes. Everything's ok. Not to worry. No need to change buses."
When you see people walking around with arrows sticking out of their chest it's not really all that hard to figure out that somebody got shot.

Anonymous said...

I assume the Anon above must be closer to the situation then the rest of us. Your details of throwing people under the bus make an assumption that you know something the rest of us don't. My guess is that you are a friend, relative or a spouse of somebody who got "Thrown under the bus" or has chosen to get off the bus because they don’t like where the driver is going. I would caution anybody who wants to sling mud; it may get to deep for you to drive your bus out of! I am sure this situation has been tough on everybody involved but WOW, to come on a blog and talk about throwing people under the bus is a little strange? I have not seen Andrew talking smack about any other members of RD, what if the other guys were not very much fun to work with? What if their were underlying tensions the fans can’t see? What if other members of the band were not good enough....We can talk all day about the what if's and we can all keep asking Andrew to spill the dirt but what if the truth will hurt the other members? We should all think before we just make assumptions. I will support all the members of RD and I'm not sticking up for just Andrew, but it seems like who this Anon above is just mad and wants people to know it! I pray that all members of RD have much success and I pray a special prayer of forgiveness for all who may be sad and for protection for Andrew from the mud slinging people. God is much bigger then all of us and His plan will prevail.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps "Anon" is not associated with those "under the bus." And desires someone to look into the mirror and realize just how isolated that reflection can become when it only reflects personal desire.

Anonymous said...

Wow people! All i can say is wow. You call yourselves Christians and fans of Rough Draft but when Andrew needs to go solo for personal reasons all you can do is get mad at him and tell him you guys deserve more? He's following his heart where God is leading him! Is that the worst that could happen? Try and be supportive. He is going through some tough stuff with this and all these comments don't help at all. Have some respect for the guy and don't go around saying "i'm not supporting andrew or his music anymore" cuz that's not fair to him. He can do what he wants and if this is waht God has called him to do, then he will do it because that is the Andrew we all know and love. the one who is obediant and understanding to God's will. He is a devout Christian and this might be the best for him. So please guys? Cut him some slack.

God Bless

Unknown said...

I agree with Krug. We all don't know the story here. As hard as it is and maybe, we have to accept what God is doing in all of this. There is a bigger picture to all of this. I know God will take care of the all of the guys. We just have to learn to be patient and listen to what HE wants, and not what WE want.

Anonymous said...

If you all want to know where Andrew's heart is, just listen to his new song "Kingdom Come." What he wants is God's perfect Will to be done! I've had the privilege of getting to be a part of the RD ministry and become friends with the members of RD, both past and present, for the past three and a half years. Believe me, Andrew did not make his decision lightly. He sought God and felt very strongly that this was where God was leading him! And like many of you have already said, God's will is so much bigger than our own! We all need to step up, as brothers and sisters in Christ, and pray for Andrew as he continues this ministry, and for Dave and Adam that God will lead them where He wants them to be because we're ALL family in Christ! We should be excited to see what God's gonna do through everyone. Andrew, Pedro, Adam, Dave, Greg, Cole and now Ian, I love you all and will continue to keep all of you in my prayers.


Anonymous said...

Andrew Witt divorces Rough Draft and gets custody of the album. Probably a great business decision and career move but faithless friend, not Christ like.

Anonymous said...

joelle, I've seen enough of the music industry not to be cynical about these things. It's probably a great business decision and career move.

I wonder if this one will pass moderation